Sonarr missing NZB results that are found manually

In some series - for example My Hero Academia - Sonarr only returns one search result for episodes. Often they are Japanese and rejected, rightly, for download.

However, if I go to nzbfinder and search for the same episode manual, it returns several results.

For example, Season 2 Episode 2 finds one japanese result in Sonarr but 12 different results if I search manually on nzbfinder.

I’ve checked the categories in the Sonarr setup and it is including the same categories as the manual results

Do you have the series type set to Anime and the anime category set?

Yes and no!

As I said, I’ve checked the categories.

I tried changing the show to Anime but it made things worse, returning a huge amount of false hits. Its numbered in the TV show format.

I added the anime category (5070) into both the anime section and the TV section of the indexer when I first set Sonarr up, as this isnt the only “anime” show thats numbered as a Tv show. I also tried removing 5070 from the anime setting just in case there was any conflict. None of that made any difference to the search results.

In that case, please include all the requested information when you opened this thread (version, OS and especially debug logs).

Debug logs will show exactly what Sonarr searched for and what was returned, but best guess your indexer returned that result when searching by TVDB ID and didn’t return any of the other results because they’re not linked to the series on their side.

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