Sonarr metadata not being downloaded

When I add a new show or refresh the data of a current show missing data nothing is downloaded (no images or information about the show). I was able to get the information for shows flawlessly and this issue has only recently started occurring.

The messages I get are the following error messages followed by the failure of the metadataservice

1. Failed to get response from: The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

2. Couldn’t download media cover for [75805][It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia]. The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

3. MetadataService failed while processing [MediaCoversUpdatedEvent]: Could not find file ‘C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\MediaCover\163\poster.jpg’.

I seem to be able to both visit and ping thetvdb websites so I’m not sure what’s causing this error.

The error indicates that thetvdb closed the connection for some reason. Are you able to open that image URL in Internet Explorer?

No if i copy the address used by sonarr it does not connnect, however if I add www. to the URL it loads fine. For some reason because sonarr isn’t using adding or auto inputting the www. it is causing it to fail.

For both and

The request is cached by CloudFlare and both work for me, but this seems to be an issue on their end and nothing we can fix without working around the problem.

On my win10 PC both work but on the machine running sonarr (WHS2011) without the www. it results in no data received errors. Is there a way to make sonarr use the www. URL when requesting metadata?

That workaround would need to be implemented and would be replaced by other changes we are planning to make. We’ll need to take a further look at this, so I filed an issue.

Thanks for that, hopefully this is easily resolved in the future.

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