OK not sure what’s happened but for the last 2 weeks Sonarr will keep fetching a show even after it has the best available according to my settings already in the library.
Sonarr download The flash last week and this week in full 1080p via a WebDL source but keeps garbing HDTV or 720p copy’s every few hours, and it wont limit to either torrent or newsgroup it will happily grab both at the same time (this isn’t the only show it dose it to but its the most recent one I have just cleared from my queue’s.
Which download client are you using?
Is CDH enabled?
Is Sonarr setup to import the completed downloads?
Sonarr repeatedly downloading the same episodes is probably relevant.
Hi thanks for the reply.
Its Sabnzbd and deluge.
Yep CDH is enabled and always has been.
Yeah I have had it set this way for a year and never changed it as it always worked fine before.
Looking at that post I have the same prob and saw a fix was pushed but only if you disable CDH will this be patched later down the road so you can enable it as normal?
Disabling CDH solves a specific issue for people that don’t use Sonarr to import files, if Sonarr is importing the files and seeing in your download client’s queue and is successfully importing them, then CDH should still be enabled.
When episodes are downloading do they appear in Sonarr’s queue?
Are Deluge and SAB running on the same system as Sonarr?
Is Sonarr importing downloads from both Deluge and SAB?
Are you using a category with SAB and Deluge?
Completed downloads end up in Sonarr as existing on disk shortly after the download completes?
Yep they appear in the queue.
Yep they are.
But still after a about 12 hours it will grab again sometimes it will still grab even it a better version is still in the queue lol
The 12 hours is a bit curious, thats the limit that was added to prevent retying when you’re not using a supported client in Sonarr and you’re instead using the Blackhole.
Could you enable trace logging clear your log files then if it grabs a dupe again zip up your log files and post them so we can grab them? This should give us a better idea where the issue lies.
Will do will keep you posted
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