Can there be an option to disable the auto disabling of indexers? Dog especially has had off and on api errors for a while now but the api still works, I want to be able to disable the option of having it disabled since the api isn’t technically fully down and I’m missing releases since I have to disable it from indexers and renable through the day. Thanks
the disable option isn’t a bad idea,
but it would be nice if we would have some control over it.
like setting up the time how long it should ignore the indexer and remove it from the ignore list.
also it would be nice if we could see which indexers are disabled in the System screen.
in my list it shows 2 indexers are disabled but i don’t know which 2 are.
@testarea1 Check your log, are you getting a “Sequence contains no elements” warning?
If so, then that’s a known issue, with a fix, just isn’t released yet. (very likely within the next 24h)
Normally it will only escalate if more than 50% of the api requests cause errors.
It starts at 5min, and escalates every time an error occurs. But it deescalates on successful api calls (hence the 50%)
But if it falls behind to much (100 rss items) some mechanism triggers to catch up. But it contains a bug specific for dog, and that throws an error which triggers the escalation. So it never gets out of it.
So wait for that fix, and when you still have problems lemme know.
To add to this, today I had an outage (bad modem) for several hours. So ALL my indexers are disabled now. Would be nice to force a recheck manually.
you can clear them all by restarting sonarr… or clear one at a time by going to settings > indexer > test.
Everything seems fine now since update, indexer hasn’t disabled since update was installed.
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