Sonarr internal server error (System.ArgumentNullException)

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): ?
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

All of a sudden Sonarr doesn’t work anymore. It does start, but the web interface just shows a loading indicator that never goes away with an Internal Server Error in the console. Looked in the log files, see hastebin url.

Looks like something within the database is corrupt (in the SceneMappings table), the easier would be to ((restore)) from a backup.

So I’ve removed everything from my /.config/NzbDrone/ folder and copied back a backup of the config.xml and nzbdrone.db files. Started Sonarr and got a whole bunch of different errors.

And my UI looks like this

Looks like the same problem, looks like the issue was present when the backup was taken.

This was a manual backup made when the UI worked just fine. But I’ll see if I have an older one…

The issue is if the DB was corrupt, but Sonarr was running the information would be cached and probably wouldn’t make a difference.

If you feel comfortable working with the database directly you could run DELETE FROM SceneMappings to delete everything in that table and eliminate the issue without losing anything else. You’d need to open it in a SQLite tool of some sort.

Thanks, that did indeed work.

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