I am running Sonarr on a Synology, Mono is uptodate and Sonarr was one patch behind, which is what I tried to update yesterday 10/12/2015. Up until yesterday Sonarr has been trouble free, so nothing to indicate an potential problems.
Mono is running. When I try to restart Sonarr, nothing is happening. So I have been into /usr/local/nzbdron/var/.config/NzbDrone/Logs and look into nzbdrone.txt.
The last action on the file was Dec 10 15:33, I have since then tried to restart sonarr. Below is the last 18 lines from the file.
15-12-10 15:32:50.5|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
15-12-10 15:32:51.7|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
15-12-10 15:32:52.2|Warn|GlobalExceptionHandlers|SignalR Heartbeat interupted
15-12-10 15:32:56.8|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 700 releases
15-12-10 15:33:00.1|Info|InstallUpdateService|Downloading update
15-12-10 15:33:03.4|Info|InstallUpdateService|Verifying update package
15-12-10 15:33:03.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Update package verified successfully
15-12-10 15:33:03.9|Info|InstallUpdateService|Extracting Update package
15-12-10 15:33:05.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Update package extracted successfully
15-12-10 15:33:05.9|Info|BackupService|Starting Backup
15-12-10 15:33:08.7|Info|InstallUpdateService|Preparing client
15-12-10 15:33:08.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Starting update client /tmp/nzbdrone_update/NzbDrone.Update.exe
15-12-10 15:33:08.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Sonarr will restart shortly.
15-12-10 15:33:18.9|Info|Sabnzbd|Adding report [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] to the queue.
15-12-10 15:33:19.0|Info|InstallUpdateService|Deleting old update files
15-12-10 15:33:19.1|Info|InstallUpdateService|Downloading update
15-12-10 15:33:20.3|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to SABNZBDLocal. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
15-12-10 15:33:20.8|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 700, Reports grabbed: 1
Now I haven’t reinstalled or anything like that. Since I wanted to see if anything obvious was wrong. Doesn’t seem to be, so I thought I would ask.
If I do have to reinstall are there any config files I safely put to one side to put back afterwards.
As always thanks for any input.