Sonarr failing to start


I am running Sonarr on a Synology, Mono is uptodate and Sonarr was one patch behind, which is what I tried to update yesterday 10/12/2015. Up until yesterday Sonarr has been trouble free, so nothing to indicate an potential problems.

Mono is running. When I try to restart Sonarr, nothing is happening. So I have been into /usr/local/nzbdron/var/.config/NzbDrone/Logs and look into nzbdrone.txt.

The last action on the file was Dec 10 15:33, I have since then tried to restart sonarr. Below is the last 18 lines from the file.

15-12-10 15:32:50.5|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
15-12-10 15:32:51.7|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
15-12-10 15:32:52.2|Warn|GlobalExceptionHandlers|SignalR Heartbeat interupted
15-12-10 15:32:56.8|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 700 releases
15-12-10 15:33:00.1|Info|InstallUpdateService|Downloading update
15-12-10 15:33:03.4|Info|InstallUpdateService|Verifying update package
15-12-10 15:33:03.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Update package verified successfully
15-12-10 15:33:03.9|Info|InstallUpdateService|Extracting Update package
15-12-10 15:33:05.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Update package extracted successfully
15-12-10 15:33:05.9|Info|BackupService|Starting Backup
15-12-10 15:33:08.7|Info|InstallUpdateService|Preparing client
15-12-10 15:33:08.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Starting update client /tmp/nzbdrone_update/NzbDrone.Update.exe
15-12-10 15:33:08.8|Info|InstallUpdateService|Sonarr will restart shortly.
15-12-10 15:33:18.9|Info|Sabnzbd|Adding report [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] to the queue.
15-12-10 15:33:19.0|Info|InstallUpdateService|Deleting old update files
15-12-10 15:33:19.1|Info|InstallUpdateService|Downloading update
15-12-10 15:33:20.3|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to SABNZBDLocal. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
15-12-10 15:33:20.8|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 700, Reports grabbed: 1

Now I haven’t reinstalled or anything like that. Since I wanted to see if anything obvious was wrong. Doesn’t seem to be, so I thought I would ask.

If I do have to reinstall are there any config files I safely put to one side to put back afterwards.

As always thanks for any input.

Those logs show Sonarr running the latest version, though there is a big chunk of start up logs I’d expect to see between 15:33:08.8 and 15:33:18.9.


I only took the last 18 lines of nzbdrone.txt. Those are the last lines which have been written to the log file, since it stopped running, on thursday, regardless of my attempts to restart sonarr.

I have restarted the Synology as well, incase there was a process that hung.

Seems like something else isn’t working if the Sonarr logs aren’t showing activity (since if its starting there will be logs).

You will need to backup if you opt to re-installed on Synology.

Thanks Markus,

I had a feeling that it was a reinstall, but it is always worth checking before going down that path.

I had a forlorn hope that there was some magic file which gets created during an update that stops any thing else happening until it is removed.

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