Sonarr download file corrupted


Today my virusscanner said there was a virus in nzbdrone, yesterday it still worked perfectly, maybe its the virusscanner being weird :stuck_out_tongue:
But anyway i deleted nzbdrone and i’m trying to reinstall NzbDrone.master.exe from
But i’m getting a message "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program."
Tryed downloading it again and same message.
Is there maybe a older version i could install?

Thanks allot :smile:

Yes, its a false positive from your Anti Virus software.

Perhaps it is blocking the download as well, try disabling it and download it again to rule that out.

Yep it was blocking it, uninstalled antivirus software and got a different one now, its working again :smile:

Just got a different issue, most of the time Dronefactory does work with sorting the files to the correct folder and renaming and such, but once in a while the episode just gets placed in the download folder but not in the series folder and it creates it’s own folder for the episode

This happend after 4 other episodes did got placed correctly.

Is the path for the series correct, Sonarr will only move it to the folder specified on that series.

Yea it is, the issue seemed to have worked out by itself.
Sometimes sorting the files takes a little longer then usual, but that’s fine :smile:
Thanks again for the help