Sonarr doesn't start until I SSH in to server

I’ve just upgraded from my old server to a HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8. Both the new and the old servers are running Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. I copied my old ~/.config to the new server, configured the /etc/init/nzbdrone.conf file to contain my user and then ran sudo start nzbdrone. This all worked perfectly and my old settings have all moved across. However, I have an odd situation: Sonarr does not seem to load up until l SSH in to the server. I thought it might have just been odd timing so I rebooted, took a shower, came back and it wasn’t up. I then SSHed in and it immediately came up.

I’ve got the usual setup (Plex, Sonarr, CouchPotato, and SAB), and only Plex is loading on startup, so maybe something with the startup settings has gone wrong? I’ve run sudo update-rc.d couchpotato defaults and sudo update-rc.d sabnzbdplus defaults but neither start until I start them manually, at which point they stay up until reboot.

I’m a bit stuck as to where to begin debugging this, so any help would be much appreciated!

Have you tried Upstart instead of init.d?

My original post may not have been that clear. SAB and CouchPotato are using init.d and require to be manually started, but I did use Upstart with Sonarr (which does start as soon as I SSH in to the server).

I am not familiar with upstart but i am with init. After you run defaults you have to check the symlinks are being created for the specified runlevels with starting S

ls -la /etc/rc[2345].d | grep couchpotato 

Also you could try moving the sonarr to init just to test if it starts.
You can also inspect the boot log in case any errors come for the specified services.

Aha! I took a look at the startup logs and noticed they were all failing with errors, which then reminded me that I’d set the home folder encryption to be on, which would explain why it’s not working until I login!

I’ve created a new user for all of these apps (which is probably a better way of doing it anyway?) and just done a reboot and it’s all functioning!

Thank you for guiding through my silly-ness :smile:

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