Sonarr (docker) communication with Transmission (docker)

Sonarr version (
Mono version (
DSM 6.2.3-25426 Update 3:

Description of issue:
After hours of failed attempts and troubleshooting I need to ask for some help. I have haugene-transmission-openvpn1 running in docker. I have linuxserver-sonarr1 running in docker. I cannot get sonarr to communicate with transmission. When trying to add transmission as a download client within sonarr nothing I try for host or port allows sonarr to connect. Transmission is not setup with a username or password.


Thank you to anybody who can point me in the right direction.

is the ip address of the container, or the host?

typically you get issues going from one container up to the host and trying to get back into another container (hairpinning). the confusion comes from using the same port on the container and the host, and you forget where its going.

try setting it up like this, set host to the name of your transmission container (mines named transmission), port is the container port, not the host port (if they are different)

if that doesnt work then try this to get the containers actual ip address - note this will only work if both containers are on the same docker network or there is connectivity between the two subnets.

docker exec -it "CONTAINER_NAME" bash

do it for both transmission and sonarr containers to confirm their ip addresses are on the same subnet. if they are then use that ip address instead

Thanks rhom!

I read your post from a couple years ago where you helped someone with a similar problem…but I couldn’t get it to work. I have tried multiple times changing the host name to the docker container name with no success no matter what port I tried. I obviously don’t have a lot of experience with this stuff.

Following your second suggestion here’s how I got it to work.
Step 1: Opened terminal in the transmission docker.
Step 2: Clicked on “Create”
Step 3: Clicked on “Bash”
Step 4: entered “ifconfig”
Step 5: Voila. Used IP address from printout in Sonarr!
The IP address was not what I was expecting. I thought it would be similar to 192.168.X.X. It wasn’t. Again, I don’t know what I’m doing.

Now I just have to delete all these bash commands…not sure why they won’t go away. The saga continues but Sonarr is working!

Thank you!

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