Sonarr Deleting Media from Library

Sonarr version
**Mono version 3.10.0
OS: Unraid (CentOS) using seperate dockers for Sonarr and NZBGet
Description of issue:
I can’t understand what is happening but here is what I am seeing.

Sonarr is great, I really want to use it, I am very impressed… But… For whatever reason Sonarr will delete items that it downloads and I can’t find anything in the logs that indicate it is doing so.


  • Add an existing show from disk with some episodes missing
  • Sonarr setup with NZBGet downloads the files to the temp drive and them automatically moves them to the folder where the originals are kept.
  • Plex is notified and you are ready to go.
  • After some amount of time (an hour or two) the downloaded, renamed and moved episodes are deleted. No log entry, no reason I can see, nothing.
  • It doesn’t seem to delete things that were never on it’s Monitored list.

Things I tried:

  • Deleting everything and started over
  • Manual turned off monitoring after the completed download
  • Setting Linux permissions in Sonarr settings to 0777 and adding the owner of “nobody”
  • Set the “Drone Factory” time interval to 0
  • Turn off “Read Media”
  • Turn off “Download Proppers”

I am in the process of removing it. What does work is if I use Sonarr to download the missing files and then delete the show from Sonarr. I am almost 100% sure that it is Sonarr that is deleting my media but I can’t for the life of me figure out why it would do that.


Check Activity->History if Sonarr deletes an episode you’ll find it there. Enabling Debug log level or even Trace will produce more log files, check those out. If Sonarr deleted the file, it WILL appear in the log file.

Finally, Is Nzbget moving it to the series folder, or is Sonarr?

I think I figured it out. Sonarr wasn’t the culprit my OS “Unraid” was. Here is the post which describes the behavior:

Thanks for trying to help, but as of this morning I am working and the files are staying. I disabled the cache drive feature of the OS in order to fix it.

Sonarr Rules!!!

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