Sonarr crashing uTorrent

I’m trying to add a download client in Sonarr, I select uTorrent, smash in the uTorrent details and as soon as I click Test or Save uTorrent freezes. I can click cancel which cancels the operation in Sonarr and maybe after 5 minutes uTorrent comes back to life. If I let Sonarr run its course it eventually comes back with an eorr message saying “Unable to get torrent list”

utorrent Version 3.4.2 386888
Sonarr version

uTorrent and Sonarr are running on the same VM

Tried restarting the VM

Which OS are they running on?
How many torrents are in uTorrent?

OS is Server 2012 R2

uTorrent has about 800 torrents in it.

Sounds like uTorrent can’t handle the API response to return those 800 results and since it doesn’t support filtering there isn’t anything we can do to lessen what it needs to return.

I’ve been able to pinpoint the issue.

Certain uTorrent versions have faults with the WebUI, version 33080 works fine, anything after that fails.

Thought I’d post this to help anyone here with the same issue.

My post on uTorrent’s forum is here uTorrent forum incase it helps anyone with the same issue.

The WebUI seems to be able to handle far more than 800 torrents… when it’s working! :smile:

thank you this worked for me i have around 1500