Sonarr crashing usually around the time it updates

So I don’t know if this is the updating or if mono is crashing but every so often I’ll have to manually start Sonarr again in the console cause for some reason or another when I go to check the webui the page is down. No log entries or anything just dead. So from my logs it looks like it dies at about 1:50 am and only comes back when I manually start it at 9:58 AM in the console, the update seems to work and cause it looks like it happened at about 21:46 Sonarr was updated and working after that? Any ideas? Seems very random, cause not all updates causes this , I’ve only notice sometimes that it’s gone down shortly after an update is pushed, but it has happened enough for me to take notice.

Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
Mono 3.10.0
Sonarr Development branch and set to use the built-in updater and automatic.
Using the Upstart script from the wiki, respawn is commented out.


Update Logs:

Logs during update:

2 hours after the update comes out is just a coincidence, unless it goes down 2 hours after you start it up again.

Was there a mono process still running when you realized it was down? Typically a mono problem is logged in the logs, but seeing nothing sounds like the process got killed abruptly.

No it happens randomly, I’ll keep an eye on it for when it happens again