Whenever I try to import Masterchef Australia Sonarr hangs until I stop the service and restart it, I finally got it added by moving all of the files to my Dronefactory, adding the series and then scanning the drone factory however it will add files only up to a point and then it hangs again, if I rename the file it hangs on to something else it Sonarr will skip that file and continue on it’s way, however this is not a solution. I have tried to import the file and have attached the trace logs above. Any advice will be appreciated.
Sounds like media info is hanging on a specific file, though your two logs are from two different shows. Capturing the output of the mono process may yield more information as something may be logged that Sonarr itself can’t log due to it crashing, or try moving the file that was last logged and retrying.
mono --debug /path/to/NzbDrone.exe &>~/output.txt will log to output.txt in your home folder. Of course you’ll need to enter the actual path to NzbDrone.exe.