Sonarr confused over 'special edition' season pack

I’ve been trying to download a season pack which was released as a ‘special edition’ (labelled as such on the BD).

The torrent for this is named SeriesName.S01.Special.Edition.1080p... rather than SeriesName.S01.1080p... like the others. When doing a manual search for an episode, there is no download button for this release. Hovering the exclamation mark, it says “episode wasn’t requested”.

To get around this, I manually added the torrent to transmission and waited for it to finish downloading. Sonarr picked up 1 episode, but not the rest. So now I am stuck having the content downloaded but most of it not imported into Sonarr. Any way around this? Any way to fix the fact that the special edition wasn’t able to be downloaded?

Manual search doesn’t support season packs, but that release probably got picked up as a special episode (since Special exists in the title), there is no way to force a release that Sonarr hasn’t been able to able to parse correctly to download at this time.

Manually grabbing the release is the best way to do it. To import the remaining files the only viable option is to copy them to another location and use Manual Import, since Manual Import doesn’t have an option to copy or hardlink it will only move files unfortunately.

Ok, thanks. I don’t think I quite realised that manual search doesn’t support season packs - is there a reason for this? It clearly recognises them, but always has the exclamation mark saying that it’s not valid for snatching because it’s a season pack. Normally, however, I can click the snatch button anyway and the pack will be grabbed and sorted correctly once downloaded.

I will try copying the files elsewhere and then using manual import. Thanks!

e: actually, that will not solve my problem, sadly. Then I would end up with 100 GB worth of duplicate files, since I rely on Sonarr’s hard linking functionality to keep the files seeding in my torrent client while also having them in the sorted / renamed Sonarr folder.

If they show up Sonarr may be able to grab them despite the warning, but that depends on it being able to link it to the correct season, we don’t have a manual season search that fully supports season packs though.

Given this scenario there is no other workaround that will work for you without manually altering Sonarr’s tracking of that release (it tracks by torrent hash).

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