Sonarr calendar ICS in Google Calendar

I’m trying to import the Sonarr ICS calendar into Google Calendar by pressing Other Calendars > Add by URL and paste the link from Sonarr (http://myserveraddress:8081/feed/calendar/NzbDrone.ics?apikey=mykey)

I can see the calendar with its URL as its name but there are no visible items in the actual calendar.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

It needs to be a publicly accessible URL (reachable from the internet), are you using one?

The URL to my Sonarr server?
Yes, I can access the ICS-file from an outside computer without additional authentication.

I could add the calendar using a different subdomain than what was specified in Sonarr.
Any idea why? They point at the exact same place.

There is no place within Sonarr to specify a sub domain, not sure what you’re referring to…

The address copied from Sonarr was
I guess it uses whatever address I access Sonarr from. I my case its

However I changed the subdomain to something else ( and added that into Google Calendar, which worked just fine.

A post was split to a new topic: ICS File is not usable