Sonarr blacklisted sabnzbd?

Getting this error: Sabnzbd is disabled due to recent failures.
When trying to download something manually from Sonarr. Automatically doesn’t work either. I don’t know which one is broken. Might have been an power outage that caused this.

Sonarr will disable download clients when they fail multiple times in a row. Though disabling for downloads, is a bug that will be fixed in the next release.

Go to settings, Download Clients and edit the SAB download client and test it. That will force Sonarr to retest it.

Thanks, found out that SAB had gotten https activated somehow. Totally by itself or I’m hacked…

Took some time fix it through a chat with not that computer savvy person who had direct access to the server. Even SABs API key had been changed but they are playing together nicely now.

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