Sonarr barely finds anything related to Dragon Ball Super

Unfortunately, Sonarr is having issues detecting releases for Dragon Ball Super. Which do not follow standard naming rules as common TV Shows. Not sure if I’m supposed to configure Sonarr differently for these kind of shows.

Here’s a listing of releases from an NZB indexer:

I’m interested in getting the releases with [DragonTeam] in the name. But, none of those releases appear on Sonarr. Actually, for that indexer, no results are returned on manual searches.

Is there something I can do to make this work on the current Sonarr version?

Make sure the series is set to anime in Sonarr and you add the anime category for your indexers.

I forgot to mention that that was properly configured from the beginning… :frowning:

Oh stupid me…

I’ve enabled debug logging and realized something I should’ve know… The NZB indexer in question has the API server down for a while now. It returns a 503 on a request, so that’s probably the problem (on manual searches at least).

I’m having a similar issue. When Dragon Ball Super set to anime it doesn’t find anything. When it’s set to standard sometimes it finds it but won’t download. I am using nzbgeek, dognzb, and althub. I’m not sure what you mean by adding the anime category for my indexers. Figured I would reply to your post rather than making a new topic.

Well, of course 10 minutes after posting this with a little additional googlefu I was able to figure it out. The category that worked was 5070. This anime issue has been plaguing me for months now. Atleast I got it!

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