Sonarr and Sabnzbd wont work together

I hope that im just missing something stupid, but Im running into a wall trying to figure it out.
New to Sonarr, trying my hand at switching from Sickbeard.
Sonarr installed on Mac, with Sab installed on ReadyNAS Duo.

Sonarr seems to pull nzbs from indexers, but if they show in sab, its only temporarily and then they disappear.

Indexers and Sab all test OK under settings.
Queue shows some episodes Pending, and others Failed, as download wasnt grabbed by Sonarr.

Log shows a few issues.

NZBDrone Error Pipeline Error response received from SABNzbd
NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.DownloadClientException: Error response received from SABnzbd:
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.CheckForError (RestSharp.IRestResponse) [0x000b4] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:180
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.ProcessRequest (RestSharp.IRestRequest,string,NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdSettings) [0x00027] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:66
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.DownloadNzb (byte[],string,string,int,NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdSettings) [0x00032] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:42
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.Sabnzbd.AddFromNzbFile (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode,string,byte[]) [0x0002d] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\Sabnzbd.cs:36
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.UsenetClientBase1<NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdSettings>.Download (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode) <0x00377> at NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadService.DownloadReport (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode) [0x00166] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\DownloadService.cs:66 at NzbDrone.Api.Queue.QueueActionModule.Grab () [0x0002d] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Api\Queue\QueueActionModule.cs:108 at NzbDrone.Api.Queue.QueueActionModule.<.ctor>b__5 (object) [0x00000] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Api\Queue\QueueActionModule.cs:41 at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.CallSite.Target (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,System.Func2<object, object>,object) <IL 0x00038, 0x00086>
at Nancy.Routing.Route/<>c__DisplayClass4.b__3 (object,System.Threading.CancellationToken) <IL 0x0005f, 0x0013b>

Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings

NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.DownloadClientException: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings β€”> System.Net.WebException: The request timed out
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00065] in /private/tmp/source-mono-mac-4.0.0-bug-33585-hotfix/bockbuild-mono-4.0.0-branch/profiles/mono-mac-xamarin/build-root/mono-4.0.4/mcs/class/System/System.Net/HttpWebRequest.cs:946
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x0000e] in /private/tmp/source-mono-mac-4.0.0-bug-33585-hotfix/bockbuild-mono-4.0.0-branch/profiles/mono-mac-xamarin/build-root/mono-4.0.4/mcs/class/System/System.Net/HttpWebRequest.cs:958
at RestSharp.Http.GetRawResponse (System.Net.HttpWebRequest request) [0x00000] in :0
β€” End of inner exception stack trace β€”
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.CheckForError (IRestResponse response) [0x000b4] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:180
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.ProcessRequest (IRestRequest restRequest, System.String action, NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdSettings settings) [0x00027] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:66
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.GetHistory (Int32 start, Int32 limit, NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdSettings settings) [0x0001d] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:110
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.Sabnzbd.GetHistory () [0x00000] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\Sabnzbd.cs:106

Thanks for any help you can offer

Is there an error logged?

Sonarr can’t connect to SAB, it timed out trying to do so (30 second timeout I believe).

First thing to check would be ((trace logs)) (hastebin them if you want us to take a look), when SAB does respond we need to see the response to see why it was an error.

ill try and find the tracelog when i get home from work tonight.

Im new to hastebin too, so please let me know if theres more you need.

A couple minutes of logs would be helpful.

I pulled a few instances from the log.
each link is a different time


Sonarr communicates with SAB on a regular basis (every minute), I want to see those logs, not the result of adding a release to the queue.

ill try and get it to stop calling for shows, and see if that makes the logs any more readable for you.

NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.DownloadClientException: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings ---> System.Net.WebException: The request timed out

Is the correct host and port set for SAB within Sonarr?

as far as i can tell, yes. is the static ip for my NAS and SAB loads to port 2708

Please turn the logging to trace logging, clear the existing log files and post the logs after a couple minutes, so we can see what response SAB sends back (currently logs are debug, not trace).

What type of NAS is SAB running on? If SAB is unable to respond because the device is under heavy load it would cause Sonarr to timeout connecting to it.

Thanks so much for the help.
I was able to finally trace it to a Python error.
Reinstalling Python on the NAS allowed Sab to start connecting.

After a week, still running strong.

Thanks again

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