Sonarr "A Haunting" Listing Showing Incorrect Current Season

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): N/A
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs: N/A
Description of issue: Sonarr shows that the TV show “A Haunting” is currently airing in Season 11. This seems to correlate with thetvdb but on USENET, the new episodes being released are showing Season 10. This is causing Sonarr not to find or download anything when new episodes show up.

This can be solved by a mapping on thexem:

Not sure if it is currently open for registration, else get a hold of someone on their IRC channel.
I’d do it (create a draft and send for approval at least), but I don’t know the show so I don’t feel qualified enough to correctly match episode numbers.

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