Sonarr 4 on synology = duplicate files & dirs

Sonarr version
Synology package:
Description of issue:

When downloading it appears that files appear in the root download folder but a copy of them is in the folder structure root/Series/season/Episode.

That means that everything gets duplicated. I tried setting file permissions but nothing works. I can’t see anything weird in the logs either. It just duplicates the files for no apparent reason.

There is nothing anyone can use in your post. Which downloader, what are your paths, do you use docker, what is the configuration of sonarr and download client with regards to paths (root folder, download location, …) etc etc…

Synology, using the built-in DownloadStation. Sonarr is installed as a Synology package.

/volume1/video/finished/download is the root - it downloads there, I see that it has the original download directory (folder with the original download name) and then there’s another copy by Sonarr which is “Series name/Season/Episode”. Of course, I want it to only do it this way.

I tried every setting possible that I can think of. How do I attach all the settings and what settings could be relevant with this?

I’ll try to summarize the settings that I think are relevant despite having played with everything I could think of without change:

Series Folder Format: {Series Title}
Season Folder Format: Season {season}
Use Hardlinks instead of Copy: on
Propers and Repacks: Prefer and Upgrade
Analyse video files: on
no recyling bin, 0 days to empty recycle.
set permission: 777
no chown
root folder: [/volume1/video/finished/download]

On the Download client: remove completed is on.

Automatically import completed downloads from download client: on

Automatically search for and attempt to download a different release: on

Redownload Failed from Interactive Search: on

What else should I add here?

Hey Ofer I am using sonarr on Synology with Qbittorrent. Had the same problem I fixed it by adding seed ratio for every indexer so after getting to that seed ratio it marks it as “completed” and removes the the file from the original download directory and from the torrent client works best for me. Didn’t find any other way to do it.

  1. Nice one, never bothered to config this!
  2. I ended up creating a new share and moving all content there (kept the same name). It magically resolved the issue. Not sure what configuration caused it to begin with but it might be some permission issue I hadn’t been able to figure out and redefining the share essentially reset permissions.

Nice to know ever since 7.0 synology permissions are buggy even though Synology don’t want to admit it . And as forums go this one is the most unfriendly people just ask things you didn’t tell or just post a link… It’s like you are looking for a warranty of a product that is broken . Not a great community :slight_smile: .