I’ve added the show This Is England to Sonarr. Every season progresses 2 years, so season 1 is This Is England 86, season 2 This Is England 88, season 3 This Is England 90.
In the logs Sonarr is searching just for ‘This Is England’ so it doesn’t find anything. I’ve searched myself to confirm the show is available and new episodes are being added to the torrents.
Is there a way to edit what terms are searched for, so that I don’t need to manually download this show. I believe it would affect other shows that do the same thing.
Unfortunately This is England cannot be mapped on TheXEM atm nor in our own scene exceptions mappings. The problem is that not only the name changed, but also the season number.
We plan on revising the schema to handle it some time in the future, but atm there is no way to have it download and import automatically.