Some non-english shows show all episode names as TBA

Sonarr version
Mono version ???:
Debian container in proxmox:

Some non-english shows show all episode names as TBA. These episodes have aired a long time ago, and the TVDB and jellyfin both have their metadata.

Getting this issue for:
Têtes à Claques (2006)
Sol et Gobelet (1968)
In the Land of Heads to Slap (2012)
The In-Laws (2008)
School for Little Vampires (2007)

I have lots of other shows in french, spanish, korean or japanese that don’t have this issue. Any way I can manually change the names in sonarr? or is this on sonarr’s end? Thanks!

The episodes will need English translations (under English, not another language with English titles) to show up in Sonarr at this time.

In v5 it will be possible to choose other languages for the metadata.

Thank you, I’ll be waiting excitedly for v5 then :sweat_smile: