Some Anime not being searched correctly

First time using Sonarr. Have it set up for torrents only.

Just added my first anime called Owarimonogatari. It is detected as the 4th season of Bakemonogatari.
Fine with me. Set the profile as 720p. Associate the tag “HorribleSubs” with it so that it only downloads HorribleSubs’ 720p releases.

I try manual search for the first 3 episodes that have aired one by one but it either doesn’t detect the anime at all or doesn’t pick up HorribleSubs’ releases. I can see that the releases are available on Nyaa (And yes I’ve set up the Nyaa indexer).

Here’s a screenshot:

seems mapping needs to be updated for it to work in sonarr.
sonarr uses this compare thetvdb with the releasses.

I’m not exactly sure how this works but I can see the name Owarimonogatari in

it should work now

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Works now. Thanks

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