[SOLVED] Sonarr stopped moving files to media folders

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter - Version 6.3 build 9600
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): http://pastebin.com/QyGzQqfX
Description of issue: Files not being moved

I set up Sonarr a few months ago and it’s been working fine until up to a few weeks ago when suddenly files are not being transferred from the Deluge completed downloads directory to the (Plex) TV Show Media Folder any longer.
I’ve been googling and checking up on similar problems, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong in my case. I’ve checked both the Sonarr log and the Debug log for clues, but I can’t find any entries that gives information on why files are not being moved. I’ve also enabled Debug logging,but after enabling it there haven’t been any entries to generate a debug logfile(?) even after a restart of Sonarr.

I’ll appreciate any help you guys can provide! Thanks!

Edit: Solved, check this post

Was the setting saved? Without debug logs of the issue we can’t begin to troubleshoot it, but you can also look at Activity: Queue in Sonarr to see why things aren’t importing.

Yes, my bad. It didnt save.

Here’s a short debug log from this morning: http://pastebin.com/iF9f3P7G

Which release isn’t importing? What does it say in Activity Queue (tooltip on the icon on the left)?

None of them are being moved from the completed downloads folder to Plex media folders.

For example, “powers.us.s02e08.720p.web.h264-defeater”

It was completed yesterday evening.

On the tooltip on the icon to the left in the Activity pane:
In Sonarr -> Activity -> Queue it says "Downloaded powers.us.s02e08.720p.web.h264-defeater-sample.mkv Sample"
In Sonarr -> Activity -> History it says “Episode grabbed from Jackett and sent to download client”

I am having the exact same problem.

Fresh install as of 2 hours ago and .partial files are created in the final folder, but it hangs shortly after starting the copy process and the service eventually stops responding. Web page doesn’t respond or reload.

service --status-all does not show the service running. service nzbdrone status shows it is.

I end up having to power cycle my server to get it to respond.

I was using Sonarr on a Windows server, but a reshuffle of hardware has led me to go back to using Ubuntu. I had no problem a year or 2 ago when using Sonarr on Ubuntu. But this is a little ridiculous.

Actually…I just found the issue. Hours of looking at logs and didn’t see the bleeding obvious. File lock causing all my grief. So, sorry, not the same issue and all good again.

The only file I see processing in that folder is a sample file, is there another video file? If the files are RARed they will need to be unRARed for Sonarr to import them.

Well, most torrents have RAR-archives, so I’ve got Deluge to auto-extract these and put in the root of the Completed Downloads folder. This used to work just fine, but I guess Sonarr is not monitoring that folder anymore or something?

Ok, ok, jeez don’t I feel silly now :frowning:

I updated Deluge a while back, which seemingly changed some settings in the Extractor plugin. It used to put extracted files into the same folder as the Torrent created, but somehow during the update, the check box for “Create torrent name subfolder” got unticked.

Ticked it back on and tried to re-download a torrent, and what do you know, Sonarr suddenly found the file.

Sorry for not checking my config thoroughly, this one escaped me. Thanks for all your input.

Case closed.

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