SOLVED Sonarr not seeing my mount Nas directory

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (3.10.0):
OS Raspberry

Description of issue:
I have mount my NAS IP Share to a mounted shared folder in my Raspbain, which I am not able to see with no problems within the Raspbain Terminal.

I have used the following code to mount my directory

Sudo nano /etc/fstab
//ip address/media /home/pi/tank cifs username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,_netdev,x-systemd.automount

but when I go into my Sonarr to look at the available disk space, I can’t see my directory tank.

how can I get sonar to see my directory ?

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I have tried a few things but I am getting Folder is not writable by user pi to any external mounted ponts within Sonarr.

can someone please advice me on how to resolve this. my Deluge has no issues saving to the external drivers or the network, by Sonnar is

Is Deluge running under the same user?
Sounds like the pi user doesn’t have write access to that folder.

Hi mark, How do I find out what account Sonarr is using to access my NAS?
the only information that’s related to user accounts are as follow.


in ~/.config/deluge/auth
I have the following command to give PI full access

in Sonarr, I have done in the Generly Tab is to set the Security to

Authentication = Basic
User = Admin
Password = PASSWORD
Analytics = develop

on my NAS I have created a user account called access rights called PI

Check which user Sonarr is running under, using ps or similar.

this is running on a Raspbain environment, and I am logging in with a Web interface, with an account called admin.

how can I give this account full rights over a folder structure on my NAS, ?

and woundn’t my mounted drive give any account from the Raspbain full rights to the folders on my NAS as long as that NAS account have full rights on the NAS. ?

Into Sonarr or the server itself?

I assume the same way with anything chmod to change the umask and chmod to change the owner, though the latter may not be required.

I’m not sure how that works, I assume that the folder can still be restricted locally by local permissions.

this turned out to be an issue with the command string I used to mount the folder Tank.

//192.168/0/7/media /home/pi/tank cifs username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

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