[SOLVED] Scripting Episode Deletion in Linux - What's the Path to Python?

I’m trying to only keep the latest xx number of episodes for certain TV series, and found the episode trimmer python script, but I’m still a bit of a novice and was wondering if someone could help a noob out.

In Sonarr, I go to Connect -> Custom Script, where I can indicate the path and arguments for the script.

If this were Windows, I know I’d input the path to Python.exe in the path, but since this is Linux (and I’m a n00b), I’m not sure how to indicate to Sonarr “where” Python is.

/etc has four different python directories (python, python2.7, python3, python3.5) and all four directories contain a single, modest config file.

So what’s the executable equivalent in Linux that I need to point Sonarr to in order for it to run a script?

Should be in /usr/bin/python

type ‘which python’ in terminal to verify.

Ah, okay. I see the symlink(s) there now; thanks!

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