[SOLVED] SABnzbd test error, even after changing "wack"

As indicated above, I get “Test was aborted due to an error: Cannot combine OsPaths of different platforms (‘F:’ + ‘/TV’)” when trying to test integration into SAB. Was hoping to try this out in lieu of Sickbeard.

I believe you just need to change the path for the category in SAB’s settings to fix the /TV to \TV

I tried that, every which way :frowning:
I changed the download directory, as well as the dir it dumps into after post-processing.
Would I need to change the actual category listing somehow? Seems odd, since I’m attempting to create a brand new one labeled “sonarr”.

What do your SAB category settings look like? (screenshot)

Also trace logs for Sonarr should point out where this is coming from (I hope), enable trace logging, clear logs, test and hastebin the results, please.

SAB Folders

SAB Categories

Trace Logs

Remove the slash that precedes the “Folder/Path” for the category:

They should look like so:

your temporary download folder and completed download folder, you have / instead of \

same problem with your category paths.

I will do that after work this afternoon. I haven’t had an issue with either Couch Potato or SickBeard interfacing with SAB, so this befuddles me.

Also, I should mention that my folders were set with the backslash before yesterday. I changed it to the forward slash after reading others’ problems with Sonarr no longer interfacing with SAB, but that didn’t make a bit of difference for me.

To my knowledge neither SB or CP interface with SAB the same way Sonarr does. In all likelihood these issues wouldn’t cause any major issues with Sonarr, but they’re done as a sanity check of the configuration to ensure there aren’t any odd issues with importing.

Rule of thumb, if you’re on Windows use \ othereise use /.

Solved. Thanks Markus.