So I have SABnzbd & nzbdrone running perfectly when it comes to individual episodes.
Today I looked for a show that was only available as a pack, after a manual search and it went to SAB directly.
Download completed correctly, but no sign of the episodes on my download/extraction folder nor on the folder where nzbdrone is supposed to put them: they were simply deleted.
I checked and found this error on the “Queue” tab of the “History” menu, for each episode: “Intermediate Download path does not exist”.
I’m not using the “Drone Factory” anymore, thus its folder option is empty.
Should I enable it for being able to grab packs?
SAB is reporting that they exist at some path, but they’re not there, unless your drone logs show files in that path being imported, drone never saw them, you can check the path that SAB says they’re in.
SAB reports that the download went fine.
Though the files were clearly deleted and the folder that should have been created is not even there.
Drone doesn’t seem to be the culprit as the only thing in the log is that same error message.
Now I don’t know why I don’t even have the temp files.
I’ll manually download the pack once again to see how it goes.
Here’s the relevant part (with some renaming).
But it was on “info” level, not sure it’ll be helpful.
I can switch to another log level if you want.
14-10-3 13:06:00.3|Info|FetchFeedService|Finished searching for [TV Show : S01]. Found 67
14-10-3 13:06:00.3|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 67 reports
14-10-3 13:06:01.0|Info|Sabnzbd|Adding report [TV.Show.S01.1080p.BluRay.x264-RANDOM] to the queue.
14-10-3 13:06:06.2|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. TV.Show.S01.1080p.BluRay.x264-RANDOM
14-10-3 13:06:06.7|Info|SeasonSearchService|Season search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
14-10-3 22:20:42.2|Error|CompletedDownloadService|[TV.Show.S01.1080p.BluRay.x264-RANDOM] Failed to import:
14-10-3 22:21:42.3|Error|CompletedDownloadService|[TV.Show.S01.1080p.BluRay.x264-RANDOM] Intermediate Download path does not exist: G:\Folder\TV\TV.Show.S01.1080p.BluRay.x264-RANDOM