Snatched, downloaded, but not moved

Hey! Forums look great!

Noticed something today. 3 eps of Jimmy Fallon were stranded in the drone download directory and listed as missing on the calendar, despite drone snatching them. Couldn’t find anything in the logs, but I think I might have deduced what the problem is…

The show is listed as “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” but drone (rightly) snatched “Jimmy Fallon” (as it has been added to the scene naming list). However, it appears that once it was being downloaded, drone no longer recognized it as a monitored show (reproduced this by manually adding a “Jimmy Fallon” episode and not seeing drone change the status to being downloaded). Thus it does not move the episode once downloaded.

Running develop.

drone uses the same aliases for grabbing and importing, the only difference is it can rely on the tvrage ID matching when grabbing, like you said though this show is on the list already, is there anything weird about the file name?

Enabling debug logging and let the drone factory run a scan should highlight why its not importing them. [The help topic for this category] ( has a link to the wiki with more information on how to enable.

Sometimes there can be simple solutions to why episodes haven’t been moved i have spent ages looking through logs and requesting help on here to find it is simply something as simple as the filename being incorrect (even off by one letter like Chicag Fire - missing the O off Chicago) or even the destination drive has run out of space

now these are things i check first :smile:

I am not saying this is what is causing your issue but doesn’t hurt to check if all good with these things

Before I posted here, I went ahead and started redownloading those eps, but renamed them to the full TVDB name (deleting the ones left in the drone directory… yeah, probably should have done it differently, but that’s before I realized they were in there). I’ll have to wait until yesterday’s episode posts.

Since drone was handling the grabbing, I doubt it was a naming issue. And other shows have never had this problem. Hopefully the debug log that I’ll get in the future will help.

Grabbing has the advantage of relying on the tvrage ID if the series name doesn’t match, which happens a fair amount of time.

It could be the series name not matching or the filename being a mess (hashed or something else). The logs (debug) will show why it wasn’t imported and we’ll be looking at exposing the reason in the UI as well.

Have seen same issue with jimmy, its found, tossed off to SAB, but never moved and the episode on the calendar turns back to red.

I can manually move the episode and all seems ok.

I have noticed that once Drone passes off the download to SAB, the calendar will change color to show its downloading but I never get the progress indicator that anything is happening. I never see the circle indicator.

Need some debug logs for this, could be any number of things.

Just thinking out-loud, wonder if this has to do with the new standard/daily/anime episode flag/switch we now have. Since this is a daily show.

Guess we’ll have to wait on this one. Its parsed but unknown…

14-7-13 11:44:25.3|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Jimmy.Fallon.2014.07.10.Dana.Carvey.720p.HDTV.x264-CROOKS’
14-7-13 11:44:25.3|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. jimmyfallon - [Unknown Episode]

I’m unable to queue via a manual search as well and getting an unknown series. I’ll do some more digging later on.

yep, noticed that too but auto seemed to work.

thanks, good luck

Should be good now, the entry for Jimmy Fallon on the alternate names list was pointing at the older (Late Night) instead of The Tonight Show. Just restart drone to have it update.