Skyhook TVN channel timezone problem

All shows for the TvN network show the wrong release time. This is one of the shows you can use to check

The timezone information has been updated, they should be updated when the various caches expire for each series, ~60-90 minutes from now, usually.

Hi no changes on both the TvN shows that I am following after doing the refresh so far both shows are wrong by about 6hrs 30Min. The channel should be GMT+9.

I think I might have found the problem. 2 channels in tvdb TVN polish and tvN korean. All the tvN korean shows are being offset with the wrong time

Here are the various TVN networks and their corresponding timezones:

TVN (AU):Australia/Sydney
TVN Style:Europe/Warsaw
TVN Turbo:Europe/Warsaw

Either there are multiple TVN networks that conflict or it has the wrong timezone, Iā€™m not sure which.

If the timezone is wrong, would be the correct timezone?

Yes that would be the correct timezone. Will you able to change at the channel level or will need to change for each show manually. The Korean channel is shown as tvN with tv in smaller case in tvdb I am not sure about the other channels.

Looks like there is a TVN in Poland and then tvN in Korea. Looking at what we can do to handle both properly.

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Any progress on this if not I am an ass enough to ask you to set both TVN and tvN to Korean time till you think of a solution :wink:

Looks like all my tvN shows now have the correct times so you guys seem to have found a fix.


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