Skip quality from cutoff


I am thinking of migrating from SickBeard to Sonarr but I ran into a configuration issue.

Currently I have SB configured to download 720p HDTV, 720p WEBDL or 720p BluRay when a new release is available. I have set the archive option to 720p BluRay.

This means that initially SB searches for 720p HDTV, 720p WEB-DL or 720p BluRay and downloads the best matching quality. A couple of months later, when the 720p BluRay release because available it gets downloaded and the lower quality HDTV or WEB-DL release is upgraded. If the initial download was HDTV, the WEB-DL will never be downloaded because WEB-DL is not listed as an archive quality.

From my understanding of Sonarr’s profiles, when I set the cutoff to 720p BluRay, it will always download the 720p WEB-DL if it becomes available. Is that correct? Because that’s not what I’d like. I would like to use WEB-DL as an initial quality if available and there’s no download yet, but I don’t want to download AND the HDTV AND the WEB-DL. I don’t necessarily want to delay the download and force the WEB-DL, the HDTV is just fine.

Am I missing something? How can I configure this?

nope, there isn’t a way to configure that in Sonarr. (basically you’re asking for a tiered quality profile with a cutoff per tier)

That’s a bummer. :disappointed:

You could move HDTV above WEB-DL in your quality profile?

no coz he still wants WEB-DL if it’s available, just not as an upgrade.

Then… set a sufficiently long delay time? Sonarr will see the HDTV first, keep it in its internal queue while waiting for the delay, then the WEB-DL is released which will supersede the HDTV in queue… Not a great solution either…

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