Shows without Parenthesis (Year) not being moved

I have a couple of shows that have the Year in parenthesis so that the scraper can easily find them. The problem Im having is that once Sonarr downloads the show It will rename them without the parenthesis and will not move them unless I manually enter the parenthesis. This is an example

Last Man Standing (2011) on my server and on Sonarr series page. Once downloaded it will be renamed as
Last Man Standing 2011 epsiode _ . My question is how can I make renaming include the brackets or how can I make sonarr ignore them. Thank you for your time.

Sonarr renames them using the information shown in the UI, if the series title contains the year in brackets then it will include the year in brackets.

If the file is being moved, but not renamed its because renaming is disabled in Sonarr (or Original Title is being used).

If you can post debug logs to hastebin showing the issue we can comment further.

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