Show renaming stopped

In the last day or so I have noticed that NZBdrone isnt moving or renaming my shows - I havent changed any setting so not sure why it is occurring. Would love your thoughts. I can’t see anything obvious in the logs, is there a way to force drone to rename the ones sitting in the complete but not moved folder?

I should add I just noticed a [post] internal server error api release (not shown in logs but on screen) which wasn’t present previously.

Its not renaming files for any series? Please enable trace logs and PM me a copy of them (shouldn’t only need about 5 minutes worth):

I noticed this on series with “the” in the name, e.g. The Mentalist:

14-3-20 22:02:13.4|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'The Mentalist S06E14' 14-3-20 22:02:13.4|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. thementalist - S06E14 14-3-20 22:02:13.4|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English 14-3-20 22:02:13.4|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for The Mentalist S06E14 14-3-20 22:02:13.4|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Unknown 14-3-20 22:02:13.4|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: S06E14 14-3-20 22:02:13.4|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unknown Series for file: E:\\completed\\The Mentalist S06E14.mp4

At first there was a period (full stop) between “The” and “Mentalist”, so I made it a space, but the same problem. Worked fine before it updated today (I hadn’t used NzbDrone in about a week).

Run a refresh, it was due to a change to keep ‘the’ in the title when comparing, but the DB needs to refresh first.

Can just do the affected series or a full one, either will work (full refresh will run every 12 hours).