Show only showing 3 Episodes in Sonarr vs 6 in TVDB

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):5.0.0
OS: Synology lastest DSM and then in lastest docker
((Debug logs)): not sure logs needed at this point
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue: show is only showing 3 Episodes in Sonarr, but there were actually 6. All six all labeled correctly and even show on dog the same. I started to fill out the scene name but realized that is not the issue. TVDB ID is 333271. I did the refresh update series info rescan files folder gear thing on the series. What other troubleshooting should I do? Remove and readd Series?

Edit: I deleted and imported series. This time showed the missing 3 and immediately grabbed them. Not sure what happened. If need anything else to help narrow down root cause, let me know.

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It likely was due to caches, either on TheTVDB’s side or Sonarr’s proxy for TheTVDB, after changes are made to TheTVDB it can take about 90 minutes for Sonarr to be able to see the changes after refreshing the series.

I appreciate the response. In this case, these shows last aired in August/September. So this is well outside the 90 mins .

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