Several Shows with (20xx) in title not getting picked up by drone factory

Just to clarify the NZBDrone is working great(Love it alot more then sickbeard) and I have over nearly 350 tv shows that it currently handles for me. But for some reason there are a few shows that have years in the name that it does not seem to want to pick up in the drone factory folder and auto rename and move. I have tried deleting all of the shows and re-adding them but this had no effect. I then posted on your scene naming xml but you said that the brackets make no difference. I also can not see any errors relating to this issue.

The TV Shows in question are as follows;

Archer (2009)
Archer 2009 - S05E05 - HDTV x264-2HD

Beauty and the Beast (2012)
Beauty and the Beast 2012 - S02E14 - HDTV x264-2HD

Dallas (2012)
Dallas 2012 - S03E01 - HDTV x264-LOL

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 - S02E11 - Metalhead Rewired HDTV x264-QCF

Any help would be great :slight_smile:


I assume each of these is in a folder in the drone factory folder, what is the name of the folder? Is it the full release name or just the series title?

Sounds a lot like this issue: because the folder name contained the series title only.

Well that ended up fixing it. Was the folder renaming that was screwing it all up.

To others if they get the same problem I just changed the TV Sort String to “TV\%sn - S%0sE%0e - %en.%ext” and now all the shows are moved perfectly.

Thanks Markus

Maybe add this somewhere in the FAQ or as a tool-tip somewhere as I can see this being a problem with people coming from Sickbeard over to NZBDrone.

I actually has a whole page dedicated to it. You should turn off renaming for TV completely, it provides no benefit.

I followed the sorting-and-renaming guide and have had very few problems migrating from sickbeard.