Set up Help with Sonarr, SABNZB, and Readynas

System config: Mac Mini with a Readynas for storage; also using SABNZB.
Have Sonarr installed and working with SABNZB.
I have a number of TV series already on my NAS from when I was running Sickbeard.
I have three questions:

  1. How can i set the path so that shows downloaded with Sonarr go to the TV Folders on the NAS?
  2. How can i (or do I even want to) use SABNZB for sorting and putting into the correct folders (Sonarr requires that I turn off sorting on SABNZB).
  3. How can I get Sonarr to recognize the shows I have already downloaded and are on the NAS?



1 and 3. Import the existing series.
2. You don’t want SAB to sort the files, let Sonarr do it, Sonarr will get the path from SAB and import the files as long as it can reach the files (either same computer or via Remote Path Mapping) and has permissions to move them (read/write access on the source and destination).

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