Set delay between grab and download

I’ll admit up front that this request may be a bit “out there”, but it’d be useful in my setup and perhaps others. Some of my TV shows I still record off of OTA broadcast, but it takes a little time to process them from the original WTV file into a MKV file in the proper folder hierarchy and then tell NzbDrone to rescan the TV shows folder. I don’t want the episode to be downloaded until after I give it enough time for the recording to be processed–I’d rather use the free recording than bytes out of my block Usenet account. BUT, I’d like the NZB to be grabbed as soon as it shows up (RSS sync settings allowing, of course) so that I don’t accidentally miss it on a night where many shows are being added to the indexers. The logic would go a little something like: grab the NZB as soon as it shows up from the regular RSS sync. Don’t send the NZB to the downloader until after a user defined delay (which could be either the age since the NZB was found, or an age after the actual airing of the show). After the delay, scan the disk for the episode. If the episode is found (because the recording has been processed), delete the NZB and pretend nothing ever happened. If the episode is still not found, send the NZB to the downloader as usual.

Feel free to say “that’s too much effort for too little benefit”, but I thought I’d see if there was any interest in something like this. Thanks.

Sounds like would fit the bill, had another user with almost an identical request to yours recently as well, so it seems some people are interested.

Give it your vote so we know its wanted.