Series shows upcoming episodes, but not appearing on Calendar

Hello all,

I’ve been downloading the show “Bar Rescue” (don’t judge!) for quite sometime – – using Nzbdrone.

For some strange reason, the show now seems to have no entries in my Calendar for all upcoming air dates. But, if I browse to the Series manually, I can see upcoming show dates listed along with episode titles.

Any suggestions?

Are they monitored? The calendar only shows monitored episodes.

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@markus101 said:
Are they monitored? The calendar only shows monitored episodes.

Well that’s weird. I didn’t de-select the monitoring flag on the episodes, but sure enough they were not being monitored.

Thanks a bunch for the advice. Any idea why that would have happened?

The season was unmonitored, or the series. That’s all I can think of.

I moved a post to a new topic: Series not appearing on calendar