Series overview suggestions

Now that there is some built in anime support I noticed something: in the posters view of the series listing, you can only see the posters. There is no way to find out the title of the series, and considering many anime don’t list the title on the poster at all (or list it in Japanese) I think it would be helpful if the title could be shown in a tooltip when hovering over the picture.

The other thing I noticed is a bit more general: there are buttons on the listing for editing and deleting the series right from the listing. I think it’s a bit weird that the delete button is so prominent there when on the actual series info page it’s hidden behind the edit button. I think having buttons on the listing for “update series info and scan disk” and “search for all episodes in this series” would make more sense in the listing than the edit button does.

I actually like having the edit button there, but I agree the delete button isn’t required, I have replaced it with a refresh button. Torn on search, but considering it.

Added the title when hovering as well (it will come up from the bottom).

I meant to say “delete button” instead of “edit button” in my last sentence. My mind is a mess sometimes.

Thanks for making the changes. :slight_smile: