Series name with dots get renamed to random name (bug)

When adding a show with a dot it gets renamed to something different. Here is a n example:

Series: The Venture Bros.
Folder: TWHBW5~N

The Venture Bros (no dot) gets renamed to TWHBW5~N as well after refresh. Everything else seems ok in drone with the series name appearing correctly even the directory part shows correct name. Tried several times even after renaming manually or re-adding the series. drone is on latest master running on synology nas.

Whats the version number of drone?
What mono version?

Here’s the info:

Mono Version: 3.6.0 (tarball Thu Aug 21 11:54:25 MDT 2014)

Does the folder name look weird in Filestation as well? Or just in Windows Explorer?

It looks fine in Filestation (dot is present). I guess it’s an issue with windows not supporting certain characters in filenames like a dot.

Windows is fine with dots in folder names, but they can’t be at the end of a folder name. If you try to make a folder with a dot at the end in Windows itself, it automatically removes the dot.

I guess the best thing you could do is just rename the folder to Venture Bros without the dot and update the series in Drone to point to the new folder name.

Maybe we should remove periods from folder names before creating them?

Some people want periods in the folder name, so we can’t just remove them. Maybe remove a trailing period, I’ll do some testing to see if I can repro it.

The file names also have TWHBW5~N in them or they are placed in the folder with that name?

Can you provide a full path for an episode file in there?

That’s a good idea, no reason to remove dots completely. In general all non-supported characters/combinations should be removed, maybe there is a library?

The episodes are fine since they do not have trailing dots.

windows path: \DS1812\TV Series\The Venture Bros\Season 1\rtl-venbros1e01

This is just something that Windows does when confronted with a file name that it can’t process. Much like years ago, when they first introduced longer filenames and anything long would be truncated to longer~1.ext in DOS to keeps the filename at 8 characters. It is in effect still the folder you made in Linux and Linux will show it correctly, but Windows will garble it when you try to view it.

In the end: Windows cannot manage to properly view folders starting or ending in a dot. Other OS’s can so I agree that simply removing all dots is overkill, but removing them from the start and end of a folder name may be a good idea. The same restrictions do not apply to normal files: they can begin with a dot and they can end with a dot before the extension. The extension itself can obviously not end in a dot, but that won’t ever be an issue for Drone. :slight_smile:

Right, this makes sense, drone created it on the syno with the ending period and its fine there, but Windows puke when you try to view that folder via Windows Exploder.

Added: so we remove it.


Don’t forget dots at the beginning too :slight_smile: