Series name not parsing properly from RSS

I’m very new to Sonarr so hopefully this won’t be a completely stupid question.

I’m a member of a private tracker and the way it presents the title seems to be messing up the parser. Here’s a debug log:

16-1-7 21:45:38.3|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for File: Thread: [CC] The Daily Show with Trevor Noah - 2016
16-1-7 21:45:38.3|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: HDTV-720p v1
16-1-7 21:45:38.3|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: crooks
16-1-7 21:45:38.3|Debug|ParsingService|No matching series Filethe daily show

“No matching series Filethe daily show” seems to be the issue. It’s adding the “File:” in the beginning of the RSS entry Title to the series title. Is there anything I can do about this?

The tracker has a bad RSS feed, they should fix it. But the tracker may also be available through Jackett.

Thanks for the reply! I guess I’ll check with them to see if they can adjust it or something.

Out of curiosity, since it will probably take a while and they may or may not be open to doing it at all, is there a way to make Sonarr watch a folder for new files to import rather than downloading them itself?

You can use Torrent Blackhole, though it will currently move the file, not copy or hard link (will be in the next version though).

I was able to set that up successfully by creating a script that copies my torrents to a separate directory when they complete and have Sonarr watch that. Thanks so much for your help!

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