Series Cosmos removed from TheTVDB

Since tvdb removed ‘cosmos possible worlds’(tvdbid 378579), I re-added the series as ‘cosmos 2014’ since this seems to be what it has been renamed in tvdb as season 02 of cosmos 2014(tvdbid 260586). I renamed the ‘CPW’ folder and refresh/scanned the folder and it added the poster in the file-folder, however, it did not import the size/status of the current eight video files that are contained in the folder.

Please include all the requested information, including version and debug logs.

Did you change the season numbers? They’d have gone from season 1 to season 2.

Well, apparently all eight files needed to be renamed from S01 to S02 for sonarr to recognize them.

Hopefully scene will also do the same for all future releases, otherwise, I will have to fetch them manually and rename them as S02 as well.

This absolute mess of a discussion is the cause of your problems:

TL;DR - TVDB admins made a decision and won’t back down, so now everyone is shouting at each other

Yeap, looks like a mess over there.

Sonarr is fetching them as S01 so I just rename them as S02 and sonarr accepts them and imports them as S02.

Yea, I have something similar in DuckieTV. I’ve had to fork my own SceneNameExceptions on GitHub, add a custom string to the search term, and after all that I still have to manually change the S01 to S02.

I tell myself it was worth it… lol

What fresh hell is this? Now the series Cosmos (2014) only shows one season with 2 episodes in Sonarr. On theTVDB it is still showing 2 seasons of 13 eps each, same as it has since they merged the two series into one. Is there some way to manually refresh/sync the data Sonarr has with what is currently on theTVDB? Perhaps that would help?

One better, I deleted Cosmo 2014 and re-added it, those “two” episodes won’t even match what I have previously downloaded and show them as missing. Then sonarr tries to redownload them.

Possible worlds now only shows 4 episodes and sonarr shows a system alert that the series doesn’t exist in tvdb at all anymore.

I have the same issue.

Seems to be an issue with the TVDB API since its showing 2 episodes:

But as mentioned the web page is showing the correct info.

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Seems to have sorted itself out now. Cosmos (2014) is back to showing all 26 episodes across 2 seasons. Not sure what their intentions are with the Cosmos (2020) series entry, but I’m ignoring it since they deleted and recreated it. Sonarr seems to be figuring things out having the 2 series merged as 2 seasons under the same label. So long as the folks over at theTVDB don’t screw with it any more it should be good to continue like this.

I’m just keeping both folders until such time as I exhaust what was downloaded into “Possible Worlds” and will then just delete that show since there are only so many shows I keep in perpetuity.

Good luck with that…

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