Series Banged Up Abroad import failed if you have both version

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: docker
Debug logs:
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Description of issue:
I’m trying to import both versions Banged up abroad but I get an error
[Warn] SonarrErrorPipeline: Invalid request Validation failed:

– Title slug ‘banged-up-abroad’ is in use by series ‘Banged Up Abroad’

it does not add the year to the name even though it is seen when identifying the series.

This isn’t a v3 specific problem.

The year is only part of the slug if it’s in the title. Are there actually two different series with the exact same name on The TVDB? If so one will need to be renamed. Even if the slugs were different it’d cause issues processing results from RSS/Search and importing because of the collision.

It looks like should either have the year or (US) in the title given it’s the second one and is the first one. Given the second series is locked this will require their moderation team to take a look.

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