Serie custom title for search


Could it be possible to have the ability to add custom title for the series?
For example, I’m currently looking “The Flsh (2014)” (TVDB 279121) in french, but most of the time, the file available are named like “The.Flash.S01Exxxxx” (the 2014 is not specified).
Because of this confusing naming of the file available, the indexers and Sonarr think that these files are regarding “The Flash” (TVDB 78650) and not “The Flsh (2014)” whish is actually the case.
Thus I’m downloading manually most of the episode.
=> I think that if it was possible to specify in sonarr that file named “The.Flash.S01Exxxxx” are OK, it could be cool.

Otherwise, I think that this kind of misbehavior will happen with most os remasterised series (ie, the flash, Battle star galactica, the fosters…)

We do not have plans to support user defined custom alternate names.

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