Hello world.
I’d like to request exactly what my post title says. I have a number of shows that I want to watch immediately, and so the quality profile allows any HDTV or WEBDL (720p and up). The problem is, I also want to upgrade them to BluRay1080p when it is released. If I set the cutoff to the bluray release, sonarr will typically download an HDTV 720p release, then upgrade to 1080p, then the WEBDL 720p, then the 1080p version of that, all within a couple days. Obviously this is a huge waste of bandwidth. I could set a delay, but then I wouldn’t get to watch an episode the night it airs.
Currently I have the quality profile set to cutoff at the lowest quality, and then I have to manually go in and look for bluray releases, which kind of defeats the purpose of having an automatic downloader.
If this feature were implemented, it would be awesome. Alternatively, if we could specify multiple “blocks” in a quality profile, that would work too.
Thanks for all the hard work. I can’t imagine going back to the days of manually downloading TV.