Hi guys,
Having just added my entire collection to sonarr, it was a little painful to set every series to only monitor the latest season (I have ~250 shows). It would be great if there was an option to change the Season Pass setting in the Series Editor. You would probably only need the 2 options ‘All Seasons’ and ‘Latest Season Only’. But this would save time for people migrating a collection.
Why doesn’t the Season Pass page work for this purpose (thats what its there for)?
We have no plans to implement a change such as this, but plan to make the options when adding a series better (choosing which episodes to monitor automatically).
Thanks for the fast reply.
The Season Pass page requires you to change each series individually. I just thought it would be good to be able to select multiple, or all series (like you can on the series editor) and change them all at once.
Okay, then a select all might make sense, we’ll take a look and see if the effort is worth it given our other plans.
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No hurry. It was just a ‘nice to have’. I’ve gone through them all now anyway 
I agree with @swhitmore. One of the biggest complaints from Sickbeard users wanting to make the jump over to Sonarr is the import feature. It takes way too long to setup. It would be great to see a feature such as a generic option to “import all series” found in x path. Problematic series that don’t match 100% could be left to be manually imported or something.
Then, series can be easily customized within the Season pass page, with the option to select multiple series at once. Just my opinion. 
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490 shows (234 active) in sickbeard…still flirting with sonarr although am keen to go steady…import all series would really help me make the move…
I have read lots of positive feedback on the mediabrowser forum which led me here. I am sure there are plenty of sickbeard users with large collectons that would also be switching if the import process was easier…Lots of killer features here that I would love to be making use of…