Season part 1 part 2 unable to parse episodes

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10 x64
Debug logs: Not needed in this case
Description of issue: When searching for a TV show that is broken into two parts (example: TVShow.S06.Part.1.720p…) I am unable to download through the UI, and automatic download does not work either. Error message is “Unable to parse episodes from release name.”

This didn’t used to be the case until series started taking long breaks in the middle of seasons. And I’m not sure that TVDB keeps track of this either since I think it is specific to the website I am using.

Forgive me if this has been already asked as I tried to search the forums to the best of my ability. Is this something that will be supported in a new version?

Sonarr doesn’t support partial season packs and we have no plans to support that case because Sonarr has no reliable way to know which episodes would be in the release.

You could download the pack outside of Sonarr and then have Sonarr import the files though.

Darn, thanks for the info tho

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