Sonarr version (exact version):
Win 10 x64
Debug logs: [Debug not on in below logs. It has been turned on in case this happens again]
Description of issue:
I’m checking if this has happened to anyone else. This afternoon Sonarr decided to turn on monitoring for every season of Big Brother and Big Brother After Dark which managed to max out my data cap. I keep the entire show monitored but turned off season monitoring after the season is over. Granted this whole thing is an accident and as an amatuer programmer I get it, bugs happen, but I literally can’t afford to have this happen because it’s $10/50gb of data from here on out this month (since my ISP is SOOOO realistic on their data cap). Thanks in advance for any light on the subject!
Were those series added recently?
If you refresh the series do they become monitored again?
It’d probably be worth setting old (older than a week) episodes to be queued paused if your caps are that aggressive.
Series have been in Sonarr for 3+ years.
Negative, refresh leaves shows in question as they should be (I set them all back to unmonitored after all this went down).
Excellent suggestion on the paused queue with time constraint markus101, thank you for that. Definitely will be needed as a safety net from now on.
Forgive my ignorance, but how do you do that (in V3)?
Same thing happened to me for Big Brother last night. Started downloading all episodes. I don’t have a data cap but that is a ton of disk space that would have been wasted. I caught it fairly soon.
Same here, 2 shows over the last 24 hours. Both were monitoring current seasons but started monitoring all seasons.
I’m relieved to see it’s not just me, I was kind of starting to think I was losing it . Wonder if something changed at the scraper source when it refreshed the series that caused Sonarr to trip monitoring at the season level?
This is almost certainly an issue with episode numbering being changed (like TVDB has done with other series in the past), usually moving from incremental season numbers to year based season numbers.
I’m not sure if there is much we can do to guard against old seasons becoming monitored because they are completely new to Sonarr, but we’ll think about it.
That makes the most sense to me. Having to code around that sounds like a huge PITA, so filters/conditions on my end it is. I can’t imagine you’d have to think on that one for long LOL. If it ever happens again I’ll pick apart my debug log to confirm. Thank you for your input markus101, greatly appreciated.
Does this problem occur in v3? Currently have the same issue.
Yes it has the same issue.
Just happened again with this show…
I woke up to find Deadliest Catch, Murdoch Mysteries and Have I Got News For You all having had their series monitoring turned back on for every season and my system trying to download hundreds of shows. A couple of days ago it happened with another show, Dark Heart, but I thought it was a one off glitch. Apparently not.
Mine went crazy today as well, it wont stop downloading old episodes for Family guy. Reboot does not stop it. How do we stop this?
I’m getting it with So You Think You Can Dance, America’s Got Talent, Wheel of Fortune, The Gadget Show and Murdoch Mysteries. All series had been set to not monitor old seasons and they have changed to monitoring them and also seem to have done an “Episode Search” for all these episodes without being asked to do so., I have Sonarr on two PCs and it is doing it on both of them.
This happend last week with Big Brother and now happened again for Big Brother and Family Guy.
While I get the concept of TVDB changing their season numbering from one format to the other, why would it happen again once the new seasons and episodes are in place in the sonarr DB?
Don’t know if it helps but the order of the seasons being displayed is a mess too:
Murdoch Mysteries - 13, 12, 11, 10, specials, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
America’s Got Talent - 14, 13, 12, 11, specials, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3
Wheel of Fortune - 15, 37, 21, 29, 36, 35, 34, 28, 27, 32, 33, 31, 30, 22, 1 etc
The Gadget Show - 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 24, 2, 1, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 4, 3, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, specials, 13 etc
So You Think You Can Dance - 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, specials, 5, 4, 3, 2,1
I could see this being a possible reason for some of these series but not Murdoch Mysteries.
I’d like to know this as well. In the Download Client settings, I can set the priority (First or Last) of episodes older than 14 days separately from that of recent episodes, but I can’t see how to selectively set episodes to start paused based on how old they are.

I’d like to know this as well. In the Download Client settings, I can set the priority (First or Last) of episodes older than 14 days separately from that of recent episodes, but I can’t see how to selectively set episodes to start paused based on how old they are.
Depends on the client, a lot allow for pausing, but not all.
The other workaround is to disable Automatic Searching in the indexer’s settings. That’ll mean searches you want to perform will need to be interactive (this is in v3 only).