Season Episode Counts Not Correct (8/8 Instead of 8/10)

Hey Guys -

Thanks for the constant development put into Sonarr. What a great app! I know it takes a lot of time, but really appreciate all of the effort everyone puts into it!

I am currently running the “develop” branch of Sonarr which for me currently is I have a small, but annoying issue I wanted to ask about. In the main dashboard or specific show view, many shows (including newly added ones) show the episode count per season as how many I have downloaded against how many I have downloaded - not the total available. Here’s an example:

The show “Classic British Aircraft” has 1 season and 10 episodes. When I added the show, Sonarr listed the metadata correctly for all 10 episodes. When I added 8 of them, Sonarr should have listed “8/10” for the season. Instead, it lists “8/8.”

Below you can clearly see 10 episodes exist for the show and that 8 exist locally yet “8/8” is the reported value.

It shows this on the show’s page regardless of if the Season is expanded or not. Also - the main dashboard should list “8/10” as there’s only one season. However, it, too shows 8/8.

It seems that it is happening on most shows, but not all of them as when I scroll through the dashboard, I can see ones with missing episodes.

I checked the logs for when I added the show and everything seems normal. No mention of the episode count, but then again; I only have Info logging enabled at this time.

Any ideas on why this is occurring? Thanks!

Episodes that aren’t monitored are excluded from the count, unless they have a file (then they are included in the count and the total.

Sonarr won’t grab unmonitored episodes if it comes across them on RSS either.