Search Option instead of/as well as RSS

I have just made the switch from SB to this and love the look and feel.

However, my server sleeps at night and misses the scheduled episodes in the rss syncs. I then have to manually add the episodes whereas SB would search and download the ones i’ve missed even if i go on holiday.

i know it’s been requested before but now archived. Is there any chance of an option to ‘search’ maybe every 12 hours?

This is not a criticism, but that makes SB more ‘automated’ for me.

If Sonarr misses an RSS sync for more than 3 hours it will search for episodes that since the last sync and up to 1 day prior to the last RSS sync.

Down for 3 hours would mean it would search for 27 hours worth of shows when it was up again. Down for 48 hours would search for 72 hours worth of shows.

We do not have plans to implement a search that runs periodically for missing episodes at this time.

Thanks for the reply.

I didn’t realise it did that and also went back a day.

Hi Markus,

I’ve just noticed that when my server (win 7 x64) wakes up, Sonarr does the rss sync but can’t connect to any of the feeds because i think it’s too quick for the internet connection. Would it be possible to add a feature to delay the rss sync on start up?


Sonarr isn’t restarted when your computer wakes up, so to Sonarr its been running the whole time (minus the fact that tasks haven’t been running).

We had this issue come up before, but there isn’t a really clean way to ensure everything is up unless you check the internet connection (which has its own challenges), but its on Trello:


would it just be easier (or possible) for me to change the rss sync interval to 240 mins?

Why? to force a search? We enforce a maximum interval of 120 minutes, which is already a long time between syncs. We won’t intentionally make it so you can search every RSS sync, thats counter-intuitive.

Ok No worries,

i can’t think of a work around at the moment for a sleeping windows pc then. Unless i can find a command line that will stop and start the service on resume & suspend. It means that i can’t get the rss search feature to function properly in windows.

maybe Eventghost can help in some way.

You can create a task for “on sleep” and “on resume” events.
Stopping/starting services is just a matter of “net stop/start name-of-service” in a command prompt, so you could set that command as the task to execute. Or put it in separate .bat files where you can add additional commands, I don’t know. Possibly with a delay on the “start” task, to ensure that the network stack is up before sonarr starts up…

I don’t have the need to fiddle with this, as I’m running sonarr on a synology, but it could be interesting to try?

Thanks, i will give that a try and let you know.

I’ve got this working in Eventghost rather than task manager (personal preference!)

same principle though. 2 individual batch files on the root of my c\drive with:

net stop “NzbDrone”

net start “NzbDrone”

1st one happens on suspend and the 2nd on resume. I have set a 2 minute delay on the 2nd one.

Works fine so thanks for your help.